domingo, 24 de junio de 2007

Second thoughts on eating Shaolin monk, or what to do with adrenalin

I meet this cook long time ago who used to be a paramedic, it was during his paramedic time that he became an addict to adrenalin. I know all the cooks working on the line get an adrenalin rush at least once a day, and I´v been told that adrenalin it´s a brain produced drug that provokes addiction. Also, I´v been told by vegetarians and budhists that it stays in the muscles for long time as a toxin, such as the one we get into our system every time we eat meat, this is why the best of meats is not industrial meat where animals are savagely killed while panicked seeing their mates beeing slain.
So, if we were to eat human flesh, the healthiest thing to do will be to eat a baby or a shaolin monk; in terms of the tenderness and quality of the meat of course. But here is where my doubt aroused, Are shaolin monk really low on toxins? Sure, they have a healthy diet and do a lot of streching exercise, but they also work out all day and therefore segregate a lot of adrenalin.
Let us leave that as an open question, forget about the worms that will eat us and think about what it´s really important. What to do with all that adrenalin? Does that affects on the way our body developes and ages? How to get it out of our system to avoid self intoxication and still be able to use all that extra energy?

lunes, 18 de junio de 2007


It was awesome! but short, crowded and expensive. Had a lot of fun though.

It was a very american thing, pop-culture convention sort of speak.

I went there pushed by my personal addiction to collectable figures, or silly toys (as my mother refers to them), so I knew what I was going to find and I wasn´t expecting much more.
I actually spent more time standing in line than playing heroclix and i didn´t win a single tournament, but it was interesting in more than one way. I meet Jeremy Baker (, a Heroclix celebrity sort of speak, because this kind of games are designed to people who rather play indoors with small figures than going out dancing, doing sport or any other phsycally demanding activity. I was actually ashamed of being ashamed to ask for his autograph; I knew it wasn´t a big deal to ask for it, but then again, he isn´t really famous.

I didn´t win anything other than courtesy gifts, but I made some good trades and, most important, had a time off work I was really needing.

lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

Super sizing me.

America it´s a big country, China too, but here things have to be big, even people. So, for people like me, living here as meant a change from size M to S.
There´s nothing I can do about it, except to try and understand how small people manage to live in a super-sized society...

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2007

Tired on my day off.

I want to say I was tired on my day off because that´s the best explanation I can give to my terrible perfomance during my first climbing lesson. The class was on dynamic movements, meaning to go double-or-nothing when you try to reach for a holder, is either you reach more of what you can reach with a controlled move, or you fall...
So, I was tired, yes, but I could have done less biking to try and keep my energy for the class, that´s the day lesson; dynamic movements should be practiced when there´s energy to accomplish them, as in life you should take risk when you are still young and with energy. That´s my trip to Philadelphia´s bet, gain money and invest it on time, not in more money.

martes, 29 de mayo de 2007

La mojadez.

It´s well-known what a wetback (espalda mojada) means, but untill this past month I haven´t used that expresion on its well-known sense. Before I came to the States for work, this "wetness" used to represent the clinging I had for a certain love. But now I can use it on its popular sense used among red-necks: someone that has crossed the border by river to try to get a better living.
Although I´m not illegally in this country, I´m not legally working here, actually I´m not even working, I´m just "helping my friend". I do pay taxes however, so it´s seems to be a good business for everyone.